
Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Mini Vacation in So Cal!

A few weeks ago, we decided to plan a quick November trip down to La Mirada and Laguna Niguel to visit our Grandparents. It was so great to see Grandma Pat and Grandma Eileen - both who cooked up some spectacular food and made for some great company, as always! Ry drove me around the neighborhoods, pointing out where Peg and Ken grew up, the elementary school he used to skate at in the summer, and talked about the cool pond his Grandpa built in the front of the house. We also got to spend some time with Ron and Deb on Friday night, which was a blast! We realized later on that we didn't take any pictures in La Mirada! Ryan and I are still kicking ourselves!! Guess that means we will just have to see everyone again very soon :)

We said our goodbye's to Grandma Eileen on Saturday morning, and made our way down to Laguna Niguel for an early Thanksgiving celebration with my side of the family. We picked up some Honeybaked goodies on the way down to make for an easy celebration, as no one wanted to spend the day cooking when we only had 1 day to hang out with the family (as well as the trip being a bit last-minute, it only made sense!). My parents flew down from Los Gatos for the day, and my brother Andrew made the drive from Santa Barbara (Well, he really only made it half way before his steering column came apart and my parents had to pick him up in Inglewood, but that's a whole other story!)
It was so great to catch up with Grandma Bev and Grandpa Bob, as well as Aunt Pat and Uncle Chris. We only wish everyone lived closer so we would get to see them more often!

It seems like Little Miss really enjoyed her first flight and vacation in So Cal! She is actually kicking me as I type right now, she must have liked the pumpkin cheesecake I just ate (thanks again Peg!). Ryan goes in for his ACL reconstruction surgery on Tuesday the 24th, so we both have a nice short week... if only it were under different circumstances! Definitely worth it in time though~ Anyway, more stories to come on that, I'm sure! That's it for now :)  ~Sarah

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